June 28, 2013

Week 13 - Yard Still Flooding

The whole situation with my neighbor and my town makes me so sick I don't even like to write about it.  If I had any fight {or hope} left in me I would totally hire a lawyer and fight this BS, but it has been so draining already.  You can read about how my neighbor/town struggle began in the history of my yard posts, 2009, 2010 (part 1) and (part 2).  And if I ever caught up with the yard history you'd also know that I had to pay a $1,000 fine this spring because my neighbor's driveway {which is not even allowed to be there, but is!} floods and the town says it's my fault.  Nope, you didn't read it wrong.  I know, I have a hard time wrapping my head around it too.

This is what it looks like long after the rain stops.  A freakin puddle on the neighbor's asphalt.  FYI - you are not allowed to have an impervious surface, like asphalt, for instance, within 5 feet of the property line.  In other words, water wouldn't be pooling if he tour up the damn asphalt.  WTF! 

Any who, it rained really hard today and looky what happens...

And this leads to flooding in the back of my property. 

It really stinks, right!?  So many hours I've wasted fighting with these people.  Urgh!

Well thanks for stopping by.  At least you don't stink! 
          Smart Girl


  1. What the...! Seriously? I know you are super drained, but this water could ruin all your hard work and property. You may want to consider hiring a lawyer. You have pictures and video. Does your neighbor know someone who works for the city you live in? I do not understand why the court would not see what is happening.

    1. I've already been to town zoning board meetings (because neighbor appealed my zoning permits, that took 4+ months to resolve), civil court (when neighbor sued us), and criminal court (where I was threatened with jail time and had to pay $1000 fine). It would have been a $5,000 retainer fee to have a lawyer represent me in civil court. Luckily I was able to handle it myself. What I should do is threaten my HOA, because my neighbor threatened them and the HOA has actually paid thousands to "fix" his property. It is never ending!!!

  2. What in the world!!! Is that water pooling down into your garden?????? I have to go back and look at your posts because I must have missed this one! What state are you in or better yet I will email you...Yuck!!!

    1. OMG it's such a long story!! I hate my neighbor and the zoning board in my town! I'm in Camden County NJ. And guess what??? It is P.O.U.R.I.N.G. rain right now! :(
